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Topic: Land Sale in Goldenhill for Just £5,000
Tom Simpson
Posts: 642

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Land Sale in Goldenhill for Just £5,000
on: January 26, 2020, 21:44

The council is selling off nine pieces of land at auction, which should bring in less than £1000,000, and for just £5,000 you could buy a piece of land off Albany Street in Goldenhill.

Tom Simpson, Secretary of Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association said that he believes the council should be asking for more money as a guide price at the auction, adding that this would be a good opportunity for the City Council to cash in on getting further money to support a cash strapped council.

Mr Simpson did state that was the low guide price a starter to attract investors to buy the land, although this could back fire and someone will be getting a real bargain out of the purchase.

The residents association does support investment in both Goldenhill and Sandyford, and if the land could be put to good use to encourage business for jobs or even decent housing then this will always be good for the area.

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