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Topic: What do you feel are the amenities lacking in Goldenhill?
Tom Simpson
Posts: 644

Reputation: 0
What do you feel are the amenities lacking in Goldenhill?
on: February 14, 2013, 21:22

Liz Knight is asking residents, what do you feel are the amenities lacking in Goldenhill?

Is there something that you think your community needs?

As part of Liz’s degree she is undertaking a project looking at the re-use of certain buildings in Goldenhill. The success of the project depends greatly on what the local community needs and who better to ask than the local community itself?

It could be an amenity purely for Goldenhill itself e.g. a café or for the local area at large e.g. a training centre for Stoke.

What would you like to see in your local high street?

Any responses would be greatly appreciated either via the website forum or Liz can be contacted directly on

Posts: 45

Reputation: 0
Re: What do you feel are the amenities lacking in Goldenhill?
on: February 17, 2013, 17:49

Although I am not actually resident in the village I do have a strong interest in what happens there.

I drove through today and noticed that The Globe is now closed which leaves just the Community Centre and the Working Men's Club as meeting places for the residents.

Can you supply a list of current and regular sessions in operation at the Community Centre so that I have an idea of what you have and what might be possible or feasible in the future?

Also, does the Club hold regular events such as quiz nights etc?

David Wood

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