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Topic: 1950's & 60's Goldenhill "Booze, Pop & Fishing Bodies out of the Sea"
Tom Simpson
Posts: 641

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1950's & 60's Goldenhill "Booze, Pop & Fishing Bodies out of the Sea"
on: February 5, 2012, 22:26

David Wood talks in this article about beverages from pop to alcohol and how local life revolved around it. David also leaves us in suspense with Mr Steele fishing a body out of the sea, come on David where did it happen and do we know anymore about the story?

Anyway, David’s story goes, I went into the Red Lion on my eighteenth birthday and asked for a pint of bitter and the landlord Bob Whittingham asked me how old I was, he decided that I could have one pint and he would see my dad the next day to check and he did.

The public houses of Goldenhill, what a choice we had, the young boozers dream would be to have a pint in every one of them and still walk home. I tried it, failed to do it, regretted it and I am not going to embarrass myself again on these pages by going into further detail.

I can recall the smell of fresh, wet fish as I walked past Millington’s fish mongers and the smell of sawdust on the floor in the Co-op.

Mr Steele of Steele’s Fashions apparently had a sailing yacht and fished a body out the sea one weekend, such excitement for a small village.

A lorry used to deliver sacks of flour to the side of Harratt’s bakery in Wagon Road and we kids used to watch, fascinated as it was hauled up on a chain and pulley to the upstairs loading hatch.

We used to stand at the door of the pop works and watch fascinated, as the new machine washed the bottles ready for refilling. Mr Wharton worked at the speed of light applying the labels to the bottles, he swiped the label on the glue pad and applied it to the bottle perfectly straight.

Until next time, please keep reading this and the many other stories which David has written for the website.

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