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Topic: newbie 🙂
Posts: 2

Reputation: 0
newbie 🙂
on: March 6, 2012, 15:32

Hello , i look forward to reading all the posts on here , i love knowing the history off goldenhill , when my grandad was here he told me allsorts off storys i miss them , i was a little girl in the 70s living and playing on goldenhill my grandparents lived there whole life there .

Posts: 45

Reputation: 0
Re: newbie 🙂
on: March 9, 2012, 19:00

Hello newbie, there was a Davies family who lived in the High Street just above the working mens club and opposite the seats.

Alan davies would be in his mid sixties by now the same as myself.

He had a brother and a sister, the brother may have been named Cecil after his dad and his sister had triplets , I think.

The older Cecil was a good boxer in his younger days and still took a keen interest when I was a boy.

The older Cecil moved to Cotton road, Burnaby road or Gordon road I think.

Alan lived in the new houses off Broadfield road, Fawfield drive.

Let me know if I am correct.

David Wood

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