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Topic: Mobile Society Closes Police Station
Tom Simpson
Posts: 642

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Mobile Society Closes Police Station
on: September 13, 2015, 22:06

Inspector Richard Simpson reported at the Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Public Meeting on Thursday that Tunstall Police Station will be closing in either October or November, and the police will be working out of Sandyford Fire Station instead, which means residents will be able to visit local police at the fire station.

After being asked by residents of opening times for police access at the fire station, the Inspector said 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. but believes if pre-arranged, people could be seen out of hours.

Inspector Richard Simpson said, today we are a more mobile society, do we need a police station in the middle of a community, he went onto say, a police officer can visit an incident, the person does not need to go to a building, and in today’s society we have mobile devices that can deal with issues.

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