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Topic: Final Stage Discussions to Reinstate Goldenhill Golf Course
Tom Simpson
Posts: 643

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Final Stage Discussions to Reinstate Goldenhill Golf Course
on: March 19, 2016, 15:27

Councillor Jack Brereton, City Council Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Transport & Heritage has forwarded an update for residents to read on the S.A.G.E. website in regards to the future of the former golf course in Goldenhill.

Councillor Brereton says, “Earlier this year I attended a SAGE public meeting at the local community centre where the future of the site was discussed at length and a whole range of views were expressed, a large proportion who were in favour of it re-opening as a golf course.

“Discussions have reached the final stage with a potential buyer to reinstate and run the golf course, unfortunately I am unable to say anything further at this stage about the proposed buyer until discussions are concluded.”

“However, I would like to add that it is important to provide a sustainable solution for the management of the site, whilst preserving its openness due to the importance of the greenbelt.”

“Some suggestions were made for the area to be made into a nature reserve and whilst I understand why some residents feel this would be beneficial, it is unlikely to be the best long-term solution for the wider community. A nature reserve would likely mean even less maintenance of the site than experienced currently and further problems of anti-social behaviour for residents living close to the site. It would also likely be difficult to find an organisation with a viable case that is willing to take on a site like this to preserve it as a nature reserve.”

“Taking into account the feedback received from some residents, I will find out more about the purchaser’s proposals linked to public right of ways. I will keep people updated on what I find out.”

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