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Topic: Fish Theft Concerns at Local Pools
Tom Simpson
Posts: 645

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Fish Theft Concerns at Local Pools
on: July 8, 2016, 19:25

It is suggested that fish theft from local pools on the former Goldenhill Golf Course has been taking place over recent months.

It has been reported that some of the carp in the pools have lived there for at least 20 years or even longer, and the situation needs to be highlighted with local residents and the authorities.

The eco system, which provides sustainability for the fish stock survival is extremely good as is suggested by concerned individuals who care about the pools conservation value in Goldenhill.

Sandyford and Goldenhill Residents Association is aware that a preferred organisation is in the process of taking over the land, which includes the fish pools. The residents association is now waiting for a response from the City Council to when this will take place, and if imminent then it is hoped the alleged fish thefts with additional site security should be a thing of the past.

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