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Topic: Meet and Greet your local Policing Commander
Tom Simpson
Posts: 645

Reputation: 0
Meet and Greet your local Policing Commander
on: November 9, 2016, 21:55

Concerned about crime in your community? Got some information to share? Want to know who your local officers are?

Then come along and have a chat with your local commander.

Commanders of Local Policing Teams (LPTs) will be available to talk to at venues across their patch, and local people are encouraged to seize this opportunity to have a chat about the things that matter to them.

On Thursday 17 November – 10am to 12noon – at Costa, Alexandra Park, Scotia Road, Tunstall, Chief Inspector John Owen and Chief Superintendent Wayne Jones, who leads local policing in the county, will be available to meet with you. So please come along for a chat.

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