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Topic: Who Remembers Goldenhill Police Station
Tom Simpson
Posts: 642

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Who Remembers Goldenhill Police Station
on: February 11, 2017, 22:30

It is hard to believe that in times when Tunstall and Stoke have recently lost their police stations that Goldenhill used to have one as well.

Joe Smith, ex Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association Chairman who is now in his eighties used to be our local “Bobby” who was stationed there for many year’s.

It goes to show how fortunate residents were back then to have the luxury of easily popping in to a local police station on our very own doorstep.

If anyone has any stories or memories of the police station or policing relating to Goldenhill/Sandyford then please let us have your comments for everyone to read.

A picture of the former Goldenhill Police Station can be found on the websites "Home Page" dated February 11th 2017.

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