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Topic: Deliberate Fires Being Started in Sandyford
Tom Simpson
Posts: 644

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Deliberate Fires Being Started in Sandyford
on: July 6, 2018, 23:02

Yesterday it was reported a fire on a park area behind Sandy Road, Sandyford was believed to have been started deliberately. Unconfirmed reports have said that two other fires yesterday in the same area were also intentionally started on grass land behind Ridge Road.

It has recently been reported that today firefighters have been called out yet again to another fire in Sandyford near to John’s Motors in Colclough Lane.

Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association is asking residents to report any suspicious criminal activity in the area, especially where there is a possibility of fires being deliberately started.

Always report criminal/antisocial activity to Staffordshire Police on 101 or crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or if a more serious nature 999, which includes Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service.

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