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Topic: Fly Tipping/Traveller Access Deterrent in Place at New Goldenhill Pathway
Tom Simpson
Posts: 644

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Fly Tipping/Traveller Access Deterrent in Place at New Goldenhill Pathway
on: June 7, 2020, 20:09

Stoke on Trent City Council has now placed a bollard at the entrance of a new pathway at it’s Mobberley Road entrance.

The bollard will hopefully prevent fly tipping in the area where recently offenders have unloaded asbestos onto the pathway, and earlier in the week open access allowed Travellers to go onto nearby land.

In the Sandyford & Goldenhill area because of so much open space it easy for fly tipping to take place. Stoke on Trent City Council, Staffordshire Police and Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association is encouraging anyone witnessing fly tipping to report it to the council on 234234 or the police on 101.

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