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Topic: Police Officer Recruitment
Tom Simpson
Posts: 645

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Police Officer Recruitment
on: March 31, 2021, 22:01

If you’ve ever wanted to be a Police Officer, or know a friend or family member who does, you may be interested in our Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship (PCDA) scheme which has launched a new recruitment drive.

Open for applications until midday Monday April 19th, the three year PCDA scheme enables successful applicants to get experience of working on the beat whilst also studying for a degree in Professional Policing Practice at Staffordshire University.

Those interested in applying are encouraged to join an online chat this Thursday (April 1st) between 6pm and 7pm. The chat, which is taking place on the Staffordshire Police Facebook page, will feature a panel of experts including serving officers, HR and a course leader from Staffordshire University.

For more information about the role, or to make an application, visit the Staffordshire Police website

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