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Topic: Current Volunteer Opportunities At Staffordshire Police
Tom Simpson
Posts: 642

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Current Volunteer Opportunities At Staffordshire Police
on: April 17, 2021, 19:09

We have varied volunteer roles available at Staffordshire Police, if you’d like to get involved we are currently recruiting for 2 roles: Independent Advisory Group (IAG) members and Cadet Leaders.

Independent Advisory Group (IAG) members

Would you like to represent your community?

In this role we are looking for volunteers to act as ‘critical appraisers’ providing independent, supportive challenge to the police as well as acting as a liaison with local communities on key policing matters.

Cadet Leader

Are you able to inspire others to fulfil their potential?

We are looking for volunteers to provide a leadership role in a police cadet unit, ensuring the development, wellbeing and safety of our cadets. This will include supporting cadets in classroom-based learning as well as engaging with local communities through projects and events.

If you’re interested in either role please register your interest by Friday 30th April 2021.

Visit our website to view more information on these volunteering opportunities and to register your interest:

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