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Topic: Fuel-saving Tips to Improve Fuel Economy
Tom Simpson
Posts: 642

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Fuel-saving Tips to Improve Fuel Economy
on: October 3, 2021, 20:46

Remove excess weight, and get rid of any rubbish in the car

Air conditioning uses fuel. But having the windows down causes drag, which uses up fuel too. Well, here’s what to do. At low speeds, open the window – the fuel used to compensate for drag is less than the fuel used to power your air con. But when driving on the motorway, it’s the other way around. So turn on the climate control and roll the windows up

Only topping up with what you need and avoiding having a full tank means the fuel you do have goes slightly further

Your driving style can have a big impact on how much petrol or diesel you use. Try to keep your driving smooth. Gentle acceleration and using the highest safe gear will use less fuel

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