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Topic: Residents Association Committee Vacancy
Tom Simpson
Posts: 643

Reputation: 0
Residents Association Committee Vacancy
on: October 23, 2021, 21:08

Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association (S.A.G.E.) has a vacancy for someone to join its committee.

We are looking for a resident preferably from the Broadfield Road Estate (Sandyford), which covers areas such as Hollywall Lane, Gordon Road, Burnaby Road, Cotton Road and other drives/places in the same area.

As a volunteer you have the opportunity to discuss many issues affecting your area, and have positive input with your council, councillor and local police.

Being a residents association volunteer you will meet up as a group on a monthly basis, take an active part should you wish at our annual Goldenhill Fun Day and deliver leaflets to promote S.A.G.E. Public Meetings.

The position is a rewarding opportunity for someone to help better the community where they live, so why not give it a try and contact us for more details.

For more information Contact Tom Simpson, Secretary by using the “CONTACT US” on the home page at

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