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Topic: Traffic Calming Scheme, KFC Roundabout
Tom Simpson
Posts: 643

Reputation: 0
Traffic Calming Scheme, KFC Roundabout
on: January 12, 2022, 21:43

Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association (S.A.G.E.) along with Councillor Chandra Kanneganti have been in contact with Council Highways to discuss traffic calming measures at the Sandyford KFC roundabout.

The Highways Department are looking into the proposals put forward by S.A.G.E. and the councillor, which consist of improved road markings leading onto the roundabout that will help ease congestion at busy times.

It is a positive step forward that Highways are listening to it’s councillor and residents association in a joint attempt to direct traffic safely around the roundabout and making it safer for everyone to use.

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