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Topic: Construction Work Update – James Brindley Way
Tom Simpson
Posts: 643

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Construction Work Update – James Brindley Way
on: January 13, 2022, 12:02

Caddick who are constructing the new development on James Brindley Way, Sandyford have contacted the residents association with an update on future works at the location.

The contractor has reported they have had a slow start to the development due to recent wet weather conditions before Christmas, and with an improvement in the forthcoming weather; they will be working throughout the day for the next four Saturday’s to catch up with lost time.

Caddick have confirmed the Saturday weekend working will not consist of any heavy sounding noise as in past “piling” during the suggested four Saturday workings.

It is good to remember that Caddick are to update residents regularly through Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association social media pages of and Facebook.

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