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Topic: Construction Work in Goldenhill Causing Problems for Residents
Tom Simpson
Posts: 644

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Construction Work in Goldenhill Causing Problems for Residents
on: February 18, 2022, 20:23

Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association (S.A.G.E.) and Councillor Chandra Kanneganti are addressing problems being raised by local residents in regards to the state of pavements and roads in Goldenhill.

Since work has begun to improve living standards at Council run Heathfield Court as well as the development of new housing and a social club on Mobberley Road, it has been evident that footpaths and the road have suffered from increased road debris mainly of clay type mud.

When meeting up with the council (Unitas), it is evident that drains have been blocked, which has meant clearing mud away from footpaths has been futile due to it returning soon after.

The City Council has now agreed to unblock the drains to help with drainage as soon as next week, and once completed it will bring in road/pavement sweepers to make the area cleaner and tidier for everyone concerned.

Hodgkinson Builders have also been contacted in respect to mud on the road as well as on the footpaths at it’s location on Mobberley Road/High Street, and they have also agreed to clean the area with machine sweepers.

Councillor Kanneganti and Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association have taken on board resident’s concerns, and will monitor progress to make sure what is promised is delivered.

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