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Topic: Get volunteering to make a difference to your community
Tom Simpson
Posts: 684

Reputation: 0
Get volunteering to make a difference to your community
on: July 30, 2024, 18:01

The Staffordshire Commissioner is inviting residents who want to make a difference to their communities to volunteer as Appropriate Adults, providing a vital role in safeguarding the rights and welfare of vulnerable people in Police custody.

Independent of the Police, Appropriate Adults provide support for detainees when they first receive their Rights & Entitlements, when they are interviewed or searched, if DNA or other samples are taken, and if they are charged, to ensure they are treated in a just and fair manner and are able to participate effectively.

Appropriate Adults can choose to work from Watling Street Custody Facility near Penkridge, the Northern Area Custody Facility in Hanley, or any Staffordshire Police station. The service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but volunteers are able to work around their own commitments from as little as two hours a week.

Volunteers will receive full training, potentially helping to boost their career opportunities.

For more information to apply, visit

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