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Topic: Paddington Bear Swaps Marmalade Sandwich for “Snugburys Ice Cream”
Tom Simpson
Posts: 684

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Paddington Bear Swaps Marmalade Sandwich for “Snugburys Ice Cream”
on: August 9, 2024, 12:08

Snugburys Ice Cream farm in Nantwich has unveiled their latest giant straw sculpture – Paddington Bear!

The giant 45ft high sculpture is the largest of the firm’s creations which are famously seen from the A51 Chester Road at Hurleston.

Once again Snugburys teamed up with local artist Mike Harper, of nearby Harbrook Engineering, to make the creation.

A Snugburys spokesperson said: “We are incredibly excited to introduce our latest sculpture Paddington Bear.

“This is our largest straw feature to date, standing at a very impressive 45 feet tall!

“He is made from straw, larch shingles and a metal frame.

“The very impressive frame work is made by the incredibly talented Mike Harper from Harbrook engineering.

“The Snugburys team have been busy straw stuffing and Sarah from @twigtwisters has done some fabulous willow weaving including the hat and suitcase.

“It has taken over 1,500 hours of work from welding, straw stuffing, willow weaving, painting and cladding, and it has been a true labour of love – and sleepless nights!”

With each new sculpture, the firm chooses a charity for donations and this year it is MPS charity.

They added: “Very sadly our family friend’s little boy Freddie was diagnosed with this cruel rare disease called MPS syndrome also known as childhood dementia.

“We hope to raise as much as we can.

“We wish to thank everyone who has helped with this project as we could not have done it without you.”

Paddington replaces the long-standing Bee sculpture which has been in place for a number of years.

Previous sculptures include a cyclist, the Millennium Wheel, Big Ben, and a Meerkat!

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