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Topic: Vandals Damage Slide @ Sandyford Park
Tom Simpson
Posts: 684

Reputation: 0
Vandals Damage Slide @ Sandyford Park
on: August 26, 2024, 15:09

It has been reported that vandals have deliberately damaged a slide at Sandyford Park by pouring a sticky glue type liquid onto its slide.

Children and parents have reported today that a well used piece of equipment was unusable for them to play on.

The good new is that Tom Simpson, Secretary, on behalf of Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association has painstakingly cleaned the slide of the substance and it is now accessible for children to use.

The play equipment and goalposts have recently been restored at the park, and it is a pity that those individuals who feel the need to vandalise it should have a little more respect for all concerned.

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