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Topic: Proposed Starbucks Coming to Sandyford
Tom Simpson
Posts: 722

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Proposed Starbucks Coming to Sandyford
on: September 9, 2024, 18:52

A Starbucks drive thru coffee shop could be located on James Brindley Way in Sandyford.

The coffee shop has put in a planning application with Stoke on Trent City Council, and its location will be next door to Sandyford Service Station where there is a Greggs, Subway and a Londis Store.

If the application is successful then Sandyford will have two drive thru coffee shops with the other being Costa Coffee, which is nearby just off the High Street on Riley’s Court Retail Park.

It is obvious that coffee shops within the city as well as across the country are becoming more and more popular with customers.

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