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Topic: Remembering When Goldenhill Had a Police Station
Tom Simpson
Posts: 690

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Remembering When Goldenhill Had a Police Station
on: September 25, 2024, 20:29

Goldenhill had its very own High Street Police Station back in the 1960’s, and how times have changed since it was demolished in the last century.

The late Joe Smith who was the Chairman of Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association was a police officer who served at the station for many year’s.

Times were different then and having a police station on your doorstep made resident’s feel much safer and secure knowing it was there.

As we are reminded, the world is a different place to live in, and police forces across the country inform us of the need to have alternative policing, especially with online crime and drug abuse, and less police to man the large number of police stations which the city had back in the 1950’s and 60’s.

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