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Topic: Memories of Visiting Dr Rohatgi in the “Good Old Days”
Tom Simpson
Posts: 719

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Memories of Visiting Dr Rohatgi in the “Good Old Days”
on: November 24, 2024, 19:08

It was sad to hear that we lost a caring and dedicated retired local doctor, who sadly passed away 19.11.24, aged 86.

We fondly remember Doctor Rohatgi in the good old days when he used to see his patients along Hollywall Lane in his Sandyford surgery.

Its over 30 years ago since Hollywall Lane lost it’s G.P. surgery and school clinic, which served us as far back as the second world war.

Those were the days when we used to enter his “nissen hut” type building before moving to the “Sita Medical Centre” and now “Goldenhill Medical Centre” on High Street, Goldenhill.

Our thoughts are with Doctor Rohatgi’s family and friends. R.I.P. to a well liked and respected former G.P.

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