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Topic: Christmas is Coming & Your Children Might Suggest an E-Scooter
Tom Simpson
Posts: 725

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Christmas is Coming & Your Children Might Suggest an E-Scooter
on: December 20, 2024, 18:54

Staffordshire Police are reminding “what is the Law if you have a E-Scooter”.

You can buy one but you can’t ride it on a UK public road, cycle lane or pavement. The only place an E-Scooter can be used is on private land with the landowners permission.

Why is this?

E-Scooters are classified as Powered Transporters, so they are treated as motor vehicles and subject to the same legal requirements such as :


. Licensing

. Tax

. Insurance

As E-Scooters do not have number plates, signaling ability and don’t always have visible rear lights, they can’t be used legally on the roads.

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