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Topic: M.P. Supports Residents Association to Reinstate Designated Police Officer
Tom Simpson
Posts: 725

Reputation: 0

on: December 21, 2024, 17:02

David Williams, Stoke on Trent North M.P. supports Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association, along with Councillor Chandra Kanneganti to reinstate a named police officer since the last one was transferred out of the area earlier in the year.

Staffordshire police say there are a number of police officers who operate across the north of the city, and cover the Sandyford & Goldenhill area, which the residents association accepts, but when as a residents group for the first time in over 25 years are unable to invite a P.C. to its public meetings seems to be a step backwards by the force. The association is also unable to send out its meeting minutes to a police constable, and as in previous years a nominated P.C. has an interest in the area, and if and when they are able to do so, they would visit hot spot areas to give advice and support to businesses to deal with e.g. antisocial behaviour.

Staffordshire Police also say that a new Police Sergeant has been introduced within the team to help address any concerns of support, although this may appear as additional support to the area, but unfortunately the residents association has always had support from its Sergeants for over a quarter of a century.

It is unfortunate that within months of a good working relationship, especially when Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association has supported the police for more than 25 years through its Community Speedwatch project, and reporting articles of advice and criminal activity through its social media sites that such a small request has been overlooked by a force when neighbourhood policing should be at a forefront as indicated by the Prime Minister.

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