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Topic: Important When “Defrosting Your Vehicle”
Tom Simpson
Posts: 725

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Important When “Defrosting Your Vehicle”
on: January 11, 2025, 21:03

Staffordshire Police are reminding people not to leave their vehicles unattended while defrosting them following recent thefts in Stoke-on-Trent today.

Between 6am and 10am, when most people are defrosting their vehicles ahead of going to work or doing their first journey of the day, thieves are looking for easy opportunities and have been targeting vehicles left unattended.

Please don’t make it easy for opportunists during this latest cold weather snap, which is expected to continue into next week.

Make sure you stay with your vehicle at all times when it’s defrosting, or running. Also, keep your keys with you at all times.

To report a theft, call 101 or use Live Chat on our website.

Always call 999 in an emergency.

The police is urging all vehicle owners to be aware of the risk when defrosting.

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