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Topic: Steele’s Fashions Appeal to 1950s Goldenhill
Tom Simpson
Posts: 645

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Steele’s Fashions Appeal to 1950s Goldenhill
on: October 27, 2011, 21:25

Here are more stories of David Wood’s walk down memory Lane and they start at Steele’s Fashions, 1950s styles of course and finish at buying a penny cornet in the village.

Harry Barnett, Steele’s Fashions, Millington’s fishmongers and Sillito’s were all in a row leading to the phone box and then the Swan pub. Sillito’s became Boulton’s plumbers eventually. Mr Boulton converted a shop into a laundrette which brought untold luxury to the village.

Tucked in between Boultons and the pub was the smelliest gent’s toilet in the world, I only ever went in there once, never again.

Elgood Lane or Church Lane as it was called then, had the Church of England Junior school on the corner with St John’s church and the vicarage next door. The next building was the Church Infants school, headmistress Miss Eptlett.

Lane’s ladies and gents outfitters and Jones shop were just before the Catholic church, which I can remember being built in the early 50s.

There was small sweet shop tucked away in Gordon Road, I think it was Mrs Farmer who ran it. On the corner of High Street and Broadfield Road stood the Sandyford Co op store which is now the motor bike dealers.

Meakin’s new factory was built in the field on the corner of Hollywall lane and most of the employees from the Royal Albert pottery in Parsonage Street Tunstall moved to there, my mum was one of them.

The small traders in the back streets consisted of Mr Bromley who had a shop in Taylor Street, Mrs Bourne in Heath street who had a hairdressers opposite, Mrs Moss had the corner shop in Charlotte Street next door to Jeffreys garage & Mrs Jones was at the top of Alice Street.

There was a chip shop in Brakespeare Street, there were at least 3 small builders yards and there were 2 Coal merchants in the village, one of them had a lorry and the other delivered by horse and cart.

The cobblers in Alice Street were my mum’s cousins Tom and Fred Stanier and every day around 4-o clock the big polishing machine was switched on and you could feel the vibrations in our house, 3 doors away.

There was the undertaker in the village, Mr Reeves and he looked the part, very sombre.

The ice cream maker was Jim Dutton’s father and you could buy a penny cornet from Jim or his dad, if you had a penny to spend that is.

There is still more to come from David Wood’s stories of Goldenhill & Sandyford, so keep on watching for more interesting tales of days gone by

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