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Topic: Goldenhill's All Saint's Tin Church
Tom Simpson
Posts: 642

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Goldenhill's All Saint's Tin Church
on: April 15, 2012, 17:22

David’ story this time talks about how a local church was a big part of community life, especially for the young people who lived in Goldenhill in the 1950?s and 60?s.

David says, the All Saint’s Church in Rodgers Street, usually referred to as the Tin Church then, was a regular meeting place on a Saturday night for the dances organised and supervised by Mrs Prior.

If you wanted a particular song playing on the record player, all you had to do was bring the record along yourself, no booze, no fights, all good fun.

Mr Deakin used to organise the youth club in the junior school hall one evening a week in the early sixties.

We had records, table tennis, card games and about once a month a live group comprised of 4 local lads on drums and guitars actually playing some of the latest hits, I would say that this was the height of cool then, once again, no booze and no fights.

I can remember being in the youth club at the time of the Cuban missile crisis and being absolutely convinced that the Americans and Russians were going to blow us all to bits.

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