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Topic: Breast Screening, Goldenhill Medical Centre
Tom Simpson
Posts: 643

Reputation: 0
Breast Screening, Goldenhill Medical Centre
on: May 15, 2017, 15:42

Breast Screening is due to begin at Goldenhill Medical Centre during July 2017.

All ladies who are aged 50-70yrs old and who are registered with a GP at the Medical Centre will automatically be invited for screening. Ladies over the age of 70 are actively encouraged to self refer on 0300 123 1463.

Why do we invite ladies for Breast Screening?

* Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women

* 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer at some time in their life

* Breast cancer is more common in women in the age group 50-70 yrs.

* Most breast cancers are found at an early stage when there is a very good chance of successful recovery.

* Breast screening is the most effective way of detecting breast problems

For more information contact the Breast Screening Clinic on 0300 123 1463 or Goldenhill Medical Centre on 01782 772 242

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