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Topic: Animal Winter Wonderland
Tom Simpson
Posts: 644

Reputation: 0
Animal Winter Wonderland
on: November 17, 2017, 15:35

Potteries Museum & Art Gallery, Saturday 25th November – FREE ENTRY

Join us for a magical animal winter wonderland this Christmas at the museum.

From the Forests of Eternal Snow pads the giant white lion, a mythical emblem of the season celebrating the light of human kindness in the depths of winter’s darkest days.

Meet Crumpet the Elf and his friends the penguin family. With a passion for fish, these larger than life, inquisitive birds follow Crumpet wherever he goes.

There will also be an opportunity to meet some real live penguins and discover facts about their habitat, favourite food and behaviour. Children can also make a penguin puppet to take home; small charge applies for this activity (takes place 11am).

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