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Topic: Defibrillator Fund Raising
Tom Simpson
Posts: 642

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Defibrillator Fund Raising
on: December 17, 2017, 19:51

Sandyford McDonald’s as well as all 14 LEMACA Franchise restaurants are raising money to provide a defibrillator for each store. This is something LEMACA have asked as a requirement for all stores to help save lives and give something back to the community.

In every McDonalds all Mangers are first aid trained and have been shown how to use these devices, although they are self-explanatory when they are used. When a defibrillator is used and effective CPR is performed within 3-5 minutes of cardiac arrest, survival chance increase from 6% to 74%.

£850 is what is needed to order a Defib and the store currently has £350 rasied. If anyone would like to donate money to this worthwhile cause then please contact McDonalds on 01782 821863 or contact the Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association website.

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