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Topic: Saving Lives - Sandyford McDonald's to have a defibrillator on site
Tom Simpson
Posts: 644

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Saving Lives - Sandyford McDonald's to have a defibrillator on site
on: March 18, 2018, 21:28

Councillor Martin Garner has made a contribution of £500.00 out of his ward budget to support the provision of a defibrillator at McDonald’s Restaurant in Sandyford.

The councillor say’s the contribution will not fund the full cost of the defibrillator, but the remainder will be raised by McDonald’s staff and volunteers through other activities.

The provision of a defibrillator will enable public access to an important piece of equipment which can save lives, and it is a known fact that CPR and defibrillation can double a person’s chances of surviving a cardiac arrest.

Residents have raised concerns to where the defibrillator would be located, especially if it was outside the restaurant as in possible vandalism.

When recently discussed at the Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association Committee Meeting, it was suggested that the defibrillator should be outside in respect to access e.g. when McDonald’s is closed.

The procedure for use of a defibrillator is that you would telephone 999, and then the call centre will notify where the box is located, with a code, which in turn would help to keep the equipment safer from vandalism.

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