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Topic: BT Phone Scam – Be Aware!
Tom Simpson
Posts: 642

Reputation: 0
BT Phone Scam – Be Aware!
on: June 23, 2018, 22:08

Residents are being urged to be on their guard following a report of a suspicious automated phone call, which claimed to be from BT. It stated that the home broadband would be disconnected, and to follow the options to either continue or cancel. Fortunately, the person receiving the call did not give any personal information or bank details away, and hung up. They contacted BT, and they confirmed that it wasn’t them, and that they wouldn’t make contact in this way.

Residents are being reminded to never give any personal details to a cold caller. If you have any doubts as to how genuine they are, terminate the call and contact your provider through a verified method.

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