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Topic: Prospective Owners of “St John’s Church” Meet with Council’s Heritage Team Over War Memorial
Tom Simpson
Posts: 643

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Prospective Owners of “St John’s Church” Meet with Council’s Heritage Team Over War Memorial
on: November 10, 2018, 17:18

Concerns are being raised in the communities of Goldenhill and Sandyford in light of the perceived uncertainty regarding a war memorial’s future, which is located in the grounds of St John’s Church, Goldenhill.

It has been reported that members of the City Council’s Heritage Team have recently met with the prospective owners of the church, who seem aware of the issues and sensitivities surrounding the memorial, and the importance of maintaining public access. It is said that things are at a very early stage, but they will continue to monitor the situation, and offer advice and guidance as and when necessary.

The Council’s Heritage Team say as a general principle, it is always preferable to preserve a memorial in its original location, to ensure that its historical and contextual links remain intact. If there is a genuine threat to a memorial’s existence, options to move it to a safer location can be explored, but they do not feel that they have reached this point with regard to the St John’s monument, and should the situation change, they will be more than happy to discuss alternative locations for the memorial with the local community.

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