P.C. Glyn Talbot has given the S.A.G.E. website an update on how Staffordshire Police are dealing with antisocial behaviour in Sandyford & Goldenhill.
Dear All.
Thanks to all those who attended the last meeting at the Community Centre, and for supporting the ongoing efforts of all concerned. I was asked about a few things at the meeting, but anti-social behaviour was one of the main topics.
There were two main areas for concern, but as I said at the meeting, I cannot go into specifics. (however, I’m sure you are all aware of the locations)
Just to keep you up to date, and to inform those who couldn’t attend, we are working on a solution to the problems. We have consulted with many residents, and are currently working closely with Council Officials to move the enquiries on swiftly. Many of you will have been contacted by myself, PCSO Michael Frost, or Pauline Devall already, and many more of you will be contacted in the future. We would like to see positive progress within a couple of weeks.
It is nearly always the case that acts of anti social behaviour and crime are reported by members of the public, and not witnessed directly by Police. Progressing enquiries would not be possible without your help. A number of you have reported matters of concern to S.A.G.E. committee members, who have in turn contacted myself. I would ask that you try and contact myself or Michael in the first instance, as sometimes vital information can be lost if there is any delay. If you wish to remain anonymous, then call CrimeStoppers, or just leave us an anonymous voicemail message. You could even email us as well, as the information you provide will be kept in the strictest confidence.
Our details are:
PC 4733 Glyn Talbot 0300 123 4455
PCSO 8953 Michael Frost 0300 123 4455
EMail: glyn.talbot@staffordshire.pnn.police.uk
Crimestoppers: 0800 555 111
Councillor Candidate, Craig Pond, England First Party says, Stoke-on-Trent used to have its own police force, and I think this is something that needs looked at seriously again.
Staffs police seem to be caught up in this PC liberal rubbish that hinders the officers from carrying out their duties to the best of their abilities, having our own force away from the political manipulation that has turned law and order into a joke would be a very useful step in combating the rising levels of anti-social behaviour.
For more information on Staffordshire Police and their crimemapping website then go to the following links. www.staffordshire.police.uk/
Did a little posting out today in Sandyford, had a gypsy woman come out and hand me the leaflet back because she believed I had been unduly harsh with my descriptions. There was a man standing next to her who said he was from Linehouses, he picked up a pair of hedge shears and told me he was going to cut my head off with them!
I didn’t take any notice of him and carried on, but it killed her argument to have this moron behaving in this way on the streets of the community, but backed up my argument, because even if she is alright, attracting people like him onto the estate is totally unacceptable.
Live and learn eh?