Antisocial behaviour in and around the Sandyford/Goldenhill area consists of dangerous off road biking, as well as criminal activity extending to anonymous individuals trying residents front doors, and breaking into sheds.
Tomorrow evening (Thursday 25th April, 7.30 p.m.) Staffordshire Police & Stoke on Trent City Council will be in attendance at the Sandyford & […]
Staffordshire Police have noticed an increase in the number of incidents of Anti Social Behavior around the retail parks in Tunstall. A number of the incidents involve groups of up to 20 young lads on pushbikes , scooters and on foot, the ages range from 9 to 16. The police have footage of the […]
Staffordshire Police want to make parents aware that a group of youths in the Fegg Hayes area are kicking at peoples front doors for fun. Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association would also like to report that this antisocial activity has recently been happening in the Sandyford area as well.
Some people being targeted are […]
On the 31/10/23 from 7pm to 8:30pm Staffordshire Police received a number of calls for service, reporting a large group of masked males causing criminal damage and setting off large fireworks. A number of business premises were directly targeted by these males. The first incident the group threw house bricks through the window of […]
Staffordshire Police are reporting that recently teenager’s have been causing antisocial behaviour in McDonald’s on Sandyford High Street.
The Police are working with McDonald’s and will not tolerate this sort of behaviour and names have been taken. McDonald’s have issued banning letter’s to the teenager’s involved and they are not welcome in their restaurant […]
Tunstall local policing team will be in Tunstall Market on Wednesday 28th of June for a drop in meeting from 9.30 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. Joining them will be other agencies, including the Council, Anti Social Behavior Team and Local Councilors Tabrase Din and David Williams. You will find them near to the cafe.
Due to recent Anti Social Behaviour and drug activity at an address on Colclough Lane, Goldenhill. The Police working with the Council have obtained a Closure Notice on the property. The Closure Notice prohibits access to the premises for the period specified in the notice. Only the Police or a local authority can initiate […]
Staffordshire Police have reported that on Thursday 16th February at approximately 21:45 a red BMW series 1 pulls up in Cotton Road. Two males then get out of the car and smash the windows at the front of the property and also damage a car in the driveway of a house on Broadfield Road. […]
Children’s Playground at Sandyford Park
Increased antisocial activity is taking place at Sandyford Park, which has access from Wignall Road, Ridge Road and Sandy Road. Broken glass, isolated fires, off road motor biking and noise are just a few of the incidents which have been regularly reported to the residents association.
Sandyford & […]
There is now a new link on the Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association (SAGE) Website to report antisocial behaviour in your area.
The link which is Click here to report any antisocial behaviour is located on the left hand side of the “Home Page” above the “Police 101 Logo”.
Please remember that if you don’t […]
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