More justice is being seen to be done as two teenagers receive interim antisocial behaviour orders.
North Staffordshire magistrates yesterday imposed the orders on Liam Burke, aged 15, and 14-year-old Jordan O’Brien, both of Ridge Road, Sandyford.
The teenagers are prohibited from congregating in groups of more than two in a marked area of Sandyford; associating with each other or Liam O’Brien and Casey O’Brien in a public place; using foul, abusive and sexually explicit language; possessing alcohol in a public place; throwing or kicking stones; entering residents’ property or grounds without their consent; starting bonfires; playing music loud; standing or walking in the road to prevent vehicles driving ; riding motorbikes to cause alarm or distress; entering a park to the rear of Ridge Road; and entering a cricket club at Shelford Road, Sandyford. Jordan O’Brien is also banned from entering McDonald’s, Sandyford.
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