More Asbo’s Given to Local Teenagers

More justice is being seen to be done as two teenagers receive interim antisocial behaviour orders.

North Staffordshire magistrates yesterday imposed the orders on Liam Burke, aged 15, and 14-year-old Jordan O’Brien, both of Ridge Road, Sandyford.

The teenagers are prohibited from congregating in groups of more than two in a marked area of Sandyford; associating with each other or Liam O’Brien and Casey O’Brien in a public place; using foul, abusive and sexually explicit language; possessing alcohol in a public place; throwing or kicking stones; entering residents’ property or grounds without their consent; starting bonfires; playing music loud; standing or walking in the road to prevent vehicles driving ; riding motorbikes to cause alarm or distress; entering a park to the rear of Ridge Road; and entering a cricket club at Shelford Road, Sandyford. Jordan O’Brien is also banned from entering McDonald’s, Sandyford.

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