Poetry “The Angel of Evermore”

Here is a poem by a North Staffordshire poet, Terry Barber “The Biddulph Bard” from his latest book, The Angel of Evermore, which tells the story of a young woman who is raped and left for dead, but is rescued by a celestial being. It is a story, which he hopes will catch the imagination of readers as will the additional poems he has included in his book.

Terry has always wanted to write an epic, along the lines of the Odyssey, which is set in Roman Britain and tells the story of Krista, who lives in a village during that era. Other characters from the village feature strongly in the narrative, it’s an enthralling story, which, if it catches on intends to write a sequel sometime next year.

The book is scattered with poetry he thought would give added momentum. The poem featured below comes at the end of the book, after the main story. The book can be purchased from Amazon for £3.99p, or the Kindle version is available for £2.99p. A copy can also be purchased at ‘The Green Tree House’ cafe in Biddulph for £4. “Happy reading”.

Big Gun

Big Gun’s got our memories, Big Gun’s got our stars, Big Gun gets us up in the morning, gets so we can worship cars; gets us so we can sleep walk through the city, hold hands with imaginary folk, get up so we can look so pretty, and so we don’t lose hope.

Big Gun’s taken over our reasoning, doesn’t want us to perceive, wants us to be bigots when talking, wants us to strike opponents, to march and set fire to things. Wants us to accuse, to deceive, to bully, never to forgive those who offend; this is the road that leads to Stalin, this is Big Gun, this is the end.

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