Sandyford Loses Out To Stop “Red Route Road Scheme”

Stoke on Trent City Council is moving ahead with plans to introduce red routes across the city – and has made some revisions to its original proposals following a successful public consultation exercise.

The council say after carefully listening to views received from the public through consultation that they have a number of key alterations to the original plans. After receiving a detailed review of feedback from traders, residents and other groups, the council says it wants to support local businesses and communities, and their proposals to withdraw red lines from town centres as follows:

  • Burslem: Market Place and Moorland Road (from Price Street to Jackson Street)
  • Tunstall: Williamson Street and High Street
  • Longton: The Strand and Transport Lane
  • Stoke: Church Street, Londsdale Street, Fleming Road, Campbell Place, Hartshill Road and Shelton Old Road

This now means red routes totalling 6.5 miles are currently proposed in the city, subject to a final statutory consultation stage which runs until Friday, 11th January, which includes Wedgwood Street (Burslem), Scotia Road (Tunstall) and High Street (Sandyford).

Cllr Daniel Jellyman, cabinet member for regeneration, transport and heritage, said: “We carried out an extensive public consultation on our initial proposals and we got a really good level of engagement from the public, which is exactly what we wanted. It wasn’t just a tick box exercise – we’re a listening council and we’ve responded to a range of suggestions and concerns with the revised plans. On a project of this scale, it’s important we work with residents and businesses to minimise any potential disruption. Councillor Jellyman went onto say “we’re now ready to push ahead with the red routes and hold the formal, statutory consultation on our final choices. One of the main complaints I get from residents is about parking on yellow lines and the impact it causes. These red routes are all about making sure road users can get across the city as quickly as possible in a safe manner. Delays to journeys cost businesses and commuters both time and money, and congestion in our city is often caused by inconsiderate and illegal parking on the roads. Our city is changing in size and shape, standing still isn’t an option, we must change too. Red routes allow us to deliver an improved network solution.”

In our area the bus lane in Tunstall High Street is proposed to be removed and replaced with a very short length of bus lane, located just south of the Woodland Street junction. This would still prevent traffic from using the High Street as a short cut whilst allowing additional parking bays to be proposed on the High Street to assist businesses. Farndale Street is proposed to become One Way towards High Street with a banned right turn into High Street to prevent it being used as a short-cut. Traffic calming measures are proposed in Wesley Street to reduce vehicle speeds.

Cllr Jellyman added: “Simple changes can help to alleviate congestion. So far we’ve removed two bus lanes in the city, and removing the ones on Waterloo Road and High Street, in Tunstall, will give us the additional benefit of extra parking without affecting traffic flows in those areas. I think the combined red route and bus lane scheme we have on the table now is the best way forward for motorists, businesses and residents”.

Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association (S.A.G.E.) has raised concerns through the council’s consultation, and asked for feedback, but unfortunately has not received any contact from them in regards to it’s concerns.

The following questions asked by S.A.G.E. were:

  • Where would residents who live in private houses with no access to their properties be able to park their vehicles
  • Where, if any would there be free no red route bays available along the “Red Route Scheme” e.g. to facilitate a funeral hearse outside a church
  • Where are disabled drivers going to stop/park when visiting shops/services in Sandyford High Street
  • How would it be viable for e.g. shops to load/unload goods where businesses are concerned

The committee discussed the council’s needs to wanting clear roads across the city, but it was agreed that in the residents association opinion that red lines on Sandyford High Street would have no bearing to reduce traffic congestion problems in the area.

This is your website for the Sandyford/Goldenhill area so if you have views on the “Red Route Road Scheme”; this is your opportunity to voice them not only on this webpage, but also by contacting your local councillor as well as Stoke on Trent City Council direct.


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