Staffordshire Police are warning residents to be aware that across the country there has been an increase in thefts of and attempt thefts of dogs due to price and demand of dogs/puppies increasing during lockdown.
Think about the following if you are a dog owner: –
Make sure your garden and your property is as secure as it can be, ensure your dog is microchipped and that your contact details are kept up to date with the data base provider. If you are walking your dog and you’re listening to music make sure that you can still hear your surroundings and be vigilant to anyone acting suspiciously and approaching you.
When you are walking your dog please make sure you keep them in sight and never leave them unsupervised. Have them well trained so they come back to you as soon as they are called.
Make sure you know what steps to take should your dog go missing. Report the theft to the Police, you can also report this theft to your local authority dog warden and notify your micro chip data base provider.
Please be cautions when walking your dogs and as a precaution where possible keep them on a lead or even better two. Report any suspicious activity to the Police straight away. For further information look at
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