Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association Public Meeting which is to be held on Thursday 13th January at Goldenhill Community Centre has had to be cancelled due to the ongoing rise of COVID cases across Stoke on Trent.
Ben Adams, Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner along with the local police advised they would not be in a position to attend the meeting due to guidance about attending events such as the S.A.G.E. Public Meeting where large numbers of people will be in an indoor setting.
The residents association will inform residents of our next public meeting once the COVID situation subsides by it’s usual way of leaflet distribution, posters in shops and businesses as well as social media platforms through the Sandyford & Goldenhill Website and Facebook Page.
S.A.G.E would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused to residents due to the cancellation of it’s January Public Meeting.
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