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Topic: Young Lads Causing Antisocial Behaviour Around Tunstall Retail Parks
Tom Simpson
Posts: 669

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Young Lads Causing Antisocial Behaviour Around Tunstall Retail Parks
on: January 20, 2024, 19:56

Staffordshire Police have noticed an increase in the number of incidents of Anti Social Behavior around the retail parks in Tunstall. A number of the incidents involve groups of up to 20 young lads on pushbikes , scooters and on foot, the ages range from 9 to 16. The police have footage of the youths and will be identifying them through the local schools.

A number of these individuals think its acceptable to swear and shout at staff in front of customers who are often with young children, they have been refusing to leave when asked by staff.

Shop workers do not go to work to be abused or intimidated. Its often only a few of the group that cause the issues, however if your child is in the group, even if they are just hanging around watching what others are doing they will be barred from the shops and leisure centers, these businesses are private property and they can ban any child who is deemed to be or is likely to be involved in Anti Social Behavior. Often the police will issue these banning notices on behalf of the business premises.

If your child goes out in a group please advise them that they may find themselves barred if they are in the groups currently causing issues. Your Child may also be asked for their name and address by a PCSO. Under section 50 of the police reform act PCSO’s in Staffordshire have the same powers as a police officer, if an officer in uniform has reason to believe you have been or are involved in anti-social behaviour, the police can demand your details under Section 50. Refusing to give your details is a criminal offence, and you can be arrested.

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