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Topic: Community Skip Days, Goldenhill & Sandyford
Tom Simpson
Posts: 669

Reputation: 0
Community Skip Days, Goldenhill & Sandyford
on: February 27, 2024, 21:19

Community skips in the Goldenhill & Sandyford areas have taken place to provide residents with a facility to dispose of bulky items locally.

The skips have been allocated out of Councillor Kanneganti’s Ward budget, and supported by Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association (SAGE).

The councillor believes this is a good spend of money to help residents who are unable to get to the local recycling centres.

The last day to dispose of items is tomorrow (Wednesday 28.02.24) where Lester Fern, SAGE Committee will be at Spitfire Way (Reginald Mitchell Estate) next to the play area and where James Smith SAGE Committee will be next to the Chatterley Whitfield Pub.

Our thanks go to everyone concerned with the project.

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