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Topic: Beware of Scams!
Tom Simpson
Posts: 696

Reputation: 0
Beware of Scams!
on: March 3, 2024, 18:24

Staffordshire Police are warning that if you ‘ve been called out of the blue or get a text offering to help you get your cost of living or energy payments down, it’s likely to be a scam in an attempt to get your bank details.

You can protect yourself with this quick four-step check. If you’re asked to pay upfront fee, it could be a scam. If you’re asked to pay quickly, it could be a scam. If you’re asked to pay in an usual way, such as vouchers or money transfer, or asked for your bank details, it could be a scam. Report the scam to the Police Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040. Or call Citizen Advice scams Action Helpline on 0808 250 5050.

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