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Topic: Property Damage by Taxi “Then Drives Off Saying Nothing”
Tom Simpson
Posts: 716

Reputation: 0
Property Damage by Taxi “Then Drives Off Saying Nothing”
on: March 16, 2024, 16:59

Around 11.50 am on Friday 15th March a silver Volkswagen Passat Taxi turns around in Wignall Road, Sandyford and reverses into the concrete fence post at number 40 Wignall Road damaging the post, fence panel and a metal gate post at number 38.

The taxi driver drove away without saying nothing to the property owners or leaving their details. If anyone can identify the vehicle, taxi company or owner then please telephone the police on 101 or crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

The residents who reside at 38 & 40 Wignall Road, Sandyford would appreciate any information in regards to the person responsible for causing the damage.

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