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Topic: Are Residents Doing Enough to Support the Police Against Antisocial Behaviour
Tom Simpson
Posts: 669

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Are Residents Doing Enough to Support the Police Against Antisocial Behaviour
on: April 24, 2024, 14:21

Antisocial behaviour in and around the Sandyford/Goldenhill area consists of dangerous off road biking, as well as criminal activity extending to anonymous individuals trying residents front doors, and breaking into sheds.

Tomorrow evening (Thursday 25th April, 7.30 p.m.) Staffordshire Police & Stoke on Trent City Council will be in attendance at the Sandyford & Goldenhill Residents Association Public Meeting (Goldenhill Community Centre, High Street, Goldenhill, ST6 5RF).

This is your opportunity to listen to advice being given by the police to help address the issue, and for you to ask questions.

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