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Topic: Tell us if you have problems in your neighbourhood with antisocial behaviour
Tom Simpson
Posts: 725

Reputation: 0
Tell us if you have problems in your neighbourhood with antisocial behaviour
on: May 14, 2024, 18:39

We have joined forces with Staffordshire Police to combat crime and antisocial behaviour across the city.

Our vision is to create a healthier, wealthier, safer, greener, cleaner and fairer city for all and a big part of this is about making people feel safe where they live and making great places.

As a council we take a zero-tolerance approach to antisocial behaviour. Our antisocial behaviour and community safety teams work across the city investigating reports you share with us and in many cases work swiftly to provide intelligence the police need to prosecute.

Report it to the City Council 01782 234234

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