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Topic: Bike Register “Bike Marking Event” (Royal Stoke)
Tom Simpson
Posts: 669

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Bike Register “Bike Marking Event” (Royal Stoke)
on: June 4, 2024, 16:37

On Tuesday 11th June Crime Prevention Officers, will be holding a free bike marking event at Royal Stoke Hospital. The event will be located outside the main entrance and will run from 10:00 until 15:00.

Over 1.3 million bikes are now registered on the Secured by Design Accredited BikeRegister database. In 2023, the database helped recover £600,000 worth of bikes.

BikeRegister’s mission is to help both deter theft and assist in the recovery and return of bikes to their rightful owners, which is one of the biggest challenges faced by the police.

For more information on Bike Register please visit

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