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Topic: Enjoying the art of photography?
Tom Simpson
Posts: 645

Reputation: 0
Enjoying the art of photography?
on: February 6, 2011, 20:48

Enjoy the art of photography by joining Closer to home, Circular Walks’.

On the walks you will be able to take stunning photographs in the company of friends and family. The dates are, Tues 8th Feb, or Wed 9th Feb at 11am at Tunstall Park Cafe, or Sat 12th Feb at Burslem Park Pavillion. On any of these walks, bring a friend who is new to our walking groups, and both you and your friend will receive a free hot drink after the walk.

For further information you can contact Closer to home, Circular Walks’ on Mob 07580314300 – Tel 01782 831900 or you can visit the website

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